Pentucket Players Inc. holds open auditions for each of their main stage productions. Auditions are held at various locations.
Lists of characters, vocal requirements, etc. will be posted on our Facebook.
If you want to receive announcements about upcoming auditions, join our email list!
When you arrive at the audition you will be given an Audition Packet containing an audition form, sample rehearsal schedule, requirements if you are cast in the show and some information concerning the play itself. After you have read the entire packet you will fill out the form and turn it in to the Audition Manager. You may be called right away or, depending on the number ofpeople, you may have to wait a little while. If you are auditioning for a principle role, you will most likely be called alone. If you are auditioning as part of a group, (chorus, children, etc.) you will be called in a small group. If this is the case you will be taught a lyric from the show and after a few practice times, the Director will hear you sing individually. Next your group may go to the choreographer to learn a short dance combination. Once again, you will practice a few times and then be asked to do it individually. (This is generally a good deal of fun and should not worry anyone!) If necessary, the Director may ask you to read something from the script. (If you are auditioning for a principle role you may be asked to sing and read several times.)
Please do not leave the audition without informing the Audition Manager.
Community theatre provides a sense of community and belonging that is often hard to find elsewhere. Our performers build lasting friendships with their peers and develop connections with mentors and volunteers who share their passion for the arts.